Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year Bloggers!!!!!

Hi all -  I am still away and  have  access  for  24 hours.  I am  almost  through the  164  emails  - FAR OUT  and thought Id  drop by  ,  say Hi and tell  you what an AWESOME  time  we are having  at Airlie  Beach.   OMG - we have  done  SO  much -  seen turtles,  done  amazing   snorkelling, been up in a  helicopter,  went to Hamilton  Island,  Daydream,  Whitehaven  and Reef world .  What a  FANTASTIC   place.  I also  got to  go out  to Sharons  place  at  Collinsville  which  was  WAY  COOL .  Yesterday  we spent  the day  shopping together - Love  that  girl!!!
Still   a few  days  left and I  am not  ready to come home yet - having too much fun so I hope time   slows  down for a bit.  Havent  scrapped  , havent  scrap shopped and   havent even missed it - SO WATCH OUT   when  I  do  get  home !!!!   The   kids  have  been  AWESOME  -    legends  getting  ready  and  playing  beautifully -  even letting us sleep in   sometimes!!  And  my husband  is  the best   thing ever  -  we are  having  a ball -  20  years  together - ONLY  a  lifetime to go!!!

Okay -  gotta  go - leave me a note  and Ill  catch  you up when I get  back to the GC!!!!!!


Anne P said...

Sounds like you are having a WONDERFUL time and just keep enjoying :)

Mandy said...

Sounds awesome Lisa...lucky girl..can't wait to see your photos!!!xxx

Susan Hurley-Luke said...

Good to hear the holiday is such a fabulous time for you :) Should be more of it....

Country@heart78 said...

Oh Miss Lisa you guys sound like your having soo much fun..Can't wait to see the holiday LO's.. Lov Ya Babe xx

janis said...

happy new year to you!!! and congrats on your new baby LOL.

thanks for dropping by at my blog!!! have a nice day lisa!!!

Amanda said...

Sounds like you are all having a fabulous and well deserved break! See you when you get home! xx

Em Stafrace said...

So nice to hear news from you, Sounds like your all having a blast! Congratulations on your anniversary...mwah Can't wait for you guys to get home MISSING YA HEAPS! tee hee

Marie McRedmond said...

Wow!!! Sounds like you are having an absolute great and fantastic time .... and well deserved!! SO pleased to read that the kids are being awesome as well ... Happy Anniversary and here's to the next twenty!!!! Luv to all, MuM XXxxxx

Loobylou said...

happy Anniversary lisa.
I know you're home by now. Can't wait to see what you create with your fabulous photos

chrisw said...

Sounds like you are having a marvellous time,missing you honey but hey live it up !